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Report: List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked - problem

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:50 am
by Scott
I am having a problem with the report, "List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked". When using the Gifts>Giving Review (tab): If I choose the option to "Mark All as Thanked" then the report, "List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked" correctly does not show the gifts which have been marked as thanked. When I individually click the "Thank" button next to an individual's gift the "Thanked" check box is then checked and the little window appears that says the "This gift has been thanked". But, the report, "List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked", does not indicate that it has been thanked. The gift still shows up on the report despite being checked as thanked. I can look in the partners record at their "Giving History" tab and gifts are correctly show as thanked or not thanked. Is there something I am missing when marking gifts as thanked? How do I get the report, "List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked" to accurately represent the "Thanked" status of gifts?
I am using ver 5.67 and I have tried my data in Beta 6.26.

Re: Report: List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked - problem

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:04 am
by Scott
More info on the problem. If I am in a partner's record looking at the "giving history" tab and then use the "Mark all as thanked option" then I go and try to view the report "List of Gifts Not yet Thanked", it says all gifts are thanked. It doesn't show any gifts unthanked for any donor. It seems to think all gifts for all donors are thanked or somehow a filter is on which only tells the report to report on the given donor I was just dealing with. Next I went to "Giving Review" and choose "Mark all as Not Thanked" for a given month. Then I opened the report and it only shows gifts for that given month, no other months which have unthanked gifts.

Re: Report: List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked - problem

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:19 pm
by jmuehleisen
It sounds like a bug in the report filter.

I'll take a look at that and see if I can find the problem. Thanks for reporting this.

Re: Report: List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked - problem

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:59 am
by BergtholdB
John -
This is what I have been experiencing - I click the 'Thank' button next to a gift in the Gifts>Giving Review table, and a check appears in the 'Thanked' column. A 'Thank' entry shows up in the Details>Touches table, and the colored box is removed from the corresponding month in the Details>Giving History table. However, when I run the List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked report, the gift shows up as not thanked. If I go back to the Details>Giving History table and double-click on the month (re-coloring the box), then double-click on the month again (clearing the colored box), then the gift no longer shows up in the Reports>Other Reports>List of Gifts Not Yet Thanked report. Hope that helps.