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WBT HTML Statement Import

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:05 am
by BergtholdB
I first noticed this problem back in April (on my March statement) when a two-lined entry showed up under the 'Comments' column.

I have been manually editing a copy of my statement to append the second line of text onto the first line, and then deleting the HTML code generating the second line. This has allowed me to import my statement without any problems.

So far, the first line of text has been either 'FR-FOR' or 'FM-FROM'. There may be others, but those are the only two that have appeared on my statements.

Here's the HTML code from the first two lines:

<TD WIDTH="6%" Align=Right VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">05/27/08<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="1%"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="6%" VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">Yes<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="0%"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="6%" VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1>&nbsp<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="1%"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="12%" VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">MRE0000000000<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="1%"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="12%" VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">1234567-123456<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="1%"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="43%" VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">FM-FROM WA<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="9%" Align=Right VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">100.00<BR></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="2%"></TD>
<TD VAlign=Middle><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Helvetica">


The code in red is what I delete, after appending the blue text to the first line.