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Info missing from "3 Column Alphabetical Partner Listin

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:35 am
by snofriacus
A 2-digit limit on the support amounts in the "3 Column Alphabetical Partner Listing"

I'm beginning to get familiar with Donor Manager, and today I tried out the report called "3 Column Alphabetical Partner Listing". I like the format because it's pretty complete, including all the addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. It also includes support amounts, and here's where I ran into a glitch. I found that the support amount was included for some supporters but not for others. For all of them it shows the word "Support:" This is usually followed by the monthly support amount, or a computed monthly equivalent if the gifts are quarterly or annual. But sometimes the number doesn't show up in the report.

Whether or not the number would show up for a given donor seemed rather random at first, but there turns out to be a simple pattern in my data. Any number less than $100 shows up just fine, while $100 or more fails to appear in the exported file. Or to put it another way, 1 or 2-digit numbers work fine, but 3 digit numbers for the support amount don't make it through the export.

Seems like it could be a fairly simple thing to fix, if I knew how to control and troubleshoot the export processes.

I'm running Donor Manager 5.41.00

Allan J.