new installation in Vista

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new installation in Vista

Post by pamkinch »

When I open DM after doing a full installation in Vista, I get the following message:
memofile c:\donor5\data\donor.fpt is missing or is invalid.
What do I need to do?
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Re: new installation in Vista

Post by jmuehleisen »

Interesting problem. I don't think it is Vista related, though.

is this a totally new installation? Or are you transferring in some data from elsewhere?

If this is totally new installation (with no data to worry about losing) then just delete the c:\donor5\data folder. (or the \data folder under wherever you installed the DM).

Then restart the DM. It will then create a new set of blank data files for you.

Let me know if that happens again and we'll try some other options.
John Muehleisen
Mentoring Emerging Christian Leadership in Africa for Excellence / Integrity / Innovation
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Re: new installation in Vista

Post by God's Geek »


I'm having similar problems. I've been using DM on a PC laptop for over a year now (Win XP), got a newer laptop running Vista (Home Premium). Both have identical versions of DM installed.

I first tried the Pack n Go method, but kept getting the "missing prefs.dbf" error. I tried uninstalling and re-installing DM a couple times.

The last most time I reinstalled, I put it in C:/Program Files/donor5 and now when I run DM all I get is a window (rather than retype it all, I've included a screen shot).

Clicking "Ignore" just opens DM w/o a database and then I have issued trying to close it.

Any suggestions?
DM error.jpg
DM error.jpg (85.98 KiB) Viewed 15195 times
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Re: new installation in Vista

Post by jmuehleisen »

Try this.

Rename the folder c:\program files\donor5\data.

Then restart the Donor Manager. It should create all new data tables for you, empty of course.

Then try re-importing your pack and go file.

See if that gets you back in business.
John Muehleisen
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Re: new installation in Vista

Post by hungry4food »

hello I have the same problem also in vista.
i tried deleting the data folder and i just get this message again.

Error Message: field name is a duplicate or invalid.
Line Number :245
Line with Error: do c:\donor5\donor.exe
Module: upgrade530

and in the top right corner it says, error number is:1712

Any idea what's going on? FYI this is my first full install.
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