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How to import data from Outlook into the Donor Manager

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 10:03 pm
by jmuehleisen
How to Import Your Contacts Information from Outlook to the Donor Manager

Importing contact information from Outlook to the Donor Manager is a two step process. Step one involves exporting your information from Outlook to a FoxPro file, and Step two imports that file into the Donor Manager.

Here is the process.

Step 1: Exporting Data from Outlook

Start Outlook

From the pull down menus, choose /File /Import and Export …

On the "Import and Export Wizard" screen, Select "Export to a file". Click <Next>

On the next screen, you will be asked to select a file type. Choose Microsoft FoxPro. Click <Next>.

Note: if you receive an error from Outlook at this point complaining about a configuration error, try exporting your data as a dBase type file. That will work as well.

Next, you will be asked which Outlook folder you want to export. Select your Contacts folder.

The final step is to give the export file a name. I would suggestion the following name: c:\outlooknames.dbf. If you decide to use a different name, be sure to remember the file name and the folder you saved it in.

That’s it for the export!

Step 2: Importing your data into the Donor Manager

Fire up the Donor Manager (if it isn’t already running). You must be using version 5.17 or later to import from Outlook.

From the pulldown menus at the top of the screen, choose /Tools /Import /Import from Outlook.

The program will ask you for the name of the file you want to import. You can type in the name of the file, or you can click the <Select> button and use that to specify the file you want to process.

The program will show you the information in the file that you have selected.

Click <Send to the Donor Manager> to import these names into your Donor Master File.

Be sure to do this import only once – the Donor Manager does not check for duplicate names.

Now, go into the Donor Master file and remove any duplicates or other names from your Outlook contacts that you don’t really want in there.

Importing from Outlook

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 3:07 am
by erniepeacock
What if I do not have the option to export to Microsoft FoxPro? What do I need to do?


importing from Outlook

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:45 pm
by jmuehleisen
The latest version of Outlook no longer gives the "Export to FoxPro" option, so you'll have to use the "Export to Excel", then use the Donor Manager's "Import from Excel" routine.

It's a bit more work because you have to figure out which fields from Outlook to export to the Excel file. I'll try to do some research on this and post more guidelines here.

Outlook Express 6

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:33 am
by mark
When i have tried to export my address book from Outlook Express 6 this happens:

I click the "file" drop down

then "export"

select "address book . . ."

then the "Address Book Export Tool" asks "select the program or file type you want to export your address book to, and then click the export button."

my two(2) options are:

"Microsoft Exchange Personal Address Book"
"Text File (Comma Seperated Values)"

(what should i do at this point?)

If i select "Microsoft Exchange Personal Address Book" i receive a pop-up message that says:

"Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please, run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client."

I then click "OK" (the only option) and another box pops-up and says "the address book export process has completed" I then click "OK" (the only option)

Thats the end of the story i have every thing i can find in outlook express 6 and internet explorer set with outlook as the default mail client.


after the "Address Book Export Tool" asks "select the program or file type you want to export your address book to, and then click the export button."

and my two(2) options are:

"Microsoft Exchange Personal Address Book"

if i select "Text File (Comma Seperated Values)" a box titled CSV Export appears and says:

"save exported file as" with a box under it and a button that says "browse"

I have tried to name it anything i can think of then i press the "next" button which brings up another box titled CSV Export appears and it says:

"select the fields you wish to export" underneath it has a box with about 30 different feild names to select from like, name, nick name, phone etc..

i make selections and then click "finish" and another box pops-up and says "the address book export process has completed" I then click "OK" (the only option)

once in Donor Manager i select "tools" then "Import" then "import from outlook" the the box "import from outlook tool" appears

with a button that says "select file source" next to a box

I then select the file just created and a box appears titled "import wizard" & says "that file does not seem to be in the right format. export your data from outlook in foxpro format" I then click "OK" (the only option)

end of story

I don't know what to do, Please help me???

exporting from Outlook Express

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:30 am
by jmuehleisen
Dear Mark,

When exporting from Outlook Express to the Donor Manager there will be 3 steps:

Step 1 will be doing the export from Outlook Express to a "Comma Separated Valued Text File ("csv"). Since I don't know which fields in your Outlook Express address book have data, I can't give you all the specifics that you might need.

Save it to a file on your desktop (just so you can easily find it). It will have the extension "csv."

Step 2 will be opening that file in Excel (Excel should open it automatically if you double click on it). This assumes, of course, that you have Excel on your computer! If you don't just email me your csv file as an attachment and I'll be glad to do the conversion for you.

Once you have it open in Excel, then save it in Excel as an "Excel workbook" (/File /Save As /Save as Type: "Excel").

After you do that, you can close Excel. You will now have your address book in Excel format.

Step 3 is to start the Donor Manager and use /Tools /Import /Import from Excel. You will match your Excel / OE address fields to the appropriate fields in the Donor Manager, and hopefully you will be in business!

Let me know by direct email ( if I can help you more. And if you get stuck, you can send me your exported csv file and I'll be glad to do the import for you.