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How to Import Your Contacts Information from Access

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:05 pm
by jmuehleisen
Importing contact information from Access into the Donor Manager is a two step process. Step one involves exporting your information from Access to an Excel file, and Step two imports that file into the Donor Manager.

Here is the process:
Step 1: Exporting Data from Access to Excel format

Start Access.

Open the database containing your contact information, and select the table that has your names and addresses.

From the pull down menus, choose /File /Export...

On the "Export Table to ..." screen, specify a name for your file.

Important: Change the "Save as File Type:" to "Excel 97 / 2002".

Select a folder to save this temporary file in. I'd suggest putting it on the "Desktop", but you can put it wherever you want. Just remember where you saved it !

Click <Export> to save the Access table as an Excel File.

That’s it for the export!

Step 2: Importing your data into the Donor Manager

Fire up the Donor Manager (if it isn’t already running). You must be using version 5.22 or later to import from Excel.

Select the File to Import:

From the pulldown menus at the top of the screen, choose /Tools /Import /Import from Excel.

The program will ask you for the name of the file you want to import. Click the <Select> button to specify the file you want to process.

Click <Next> to begin to "map" your data fields.

Mapping Fields:

Mapping involves taking your Access / Excel data fields and "mapping" them to the corresponding Donor Manager fields.

Field by field, select the appropriate Donor Manager fields. You can always go back to this step if you make any mistakes. Once you have finished mapping your fields, go on to the next step to preview your import.

Note: not all Donor Manager fields are available for mapping, but most of them are.

Preview the Import:

The program will next show you how it proposes to import the data according to the map that you have specified. If you are satisfied with this mapping, continue on to do the import. If you wish, you can go back to the mapping page to make adjustments as needed.

Import Options:

Once you have mapped the fields and previewed the import, you need to specify if you want the imported data to be added to any existing data in the Donor Manager file, or if you want your import data to replace any Donor Manager data.

Be sure that you make the correct choice here! If you ask the program to replace the existing data in the Donor Manager with your imported data, any records in the Donor Manager will be deleted prior to the new imported records being brought in.

Do the Import:

Once you have specified whether you want the new data to be added to your existing records or to replace any existing data, the program will actually process the data and bring your new data from Access / Excel into the Donor Manager partners file.

You can close the import tool at this point and take a look at your newly imported data.